KKR - Environmental Social Governance Report & Microsite
Web Design, Development & Maintenance
ESG & Corporate Communications
Visual & Graphic Design
Accessibility Services
Content Strategy & Development
User Experience Design & Information Architecture
Organizational Communications
Employee Communications
Private Sector

Since 2013, leading global alternative asset manager Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. LP (KKR) has partnered with BrightLeaf to develop critical communications on its responsible investing approach and activities. A pioneer and leader in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting within its sector, KKR tasked BrightLeaf with creating its 2020 ESG reporting suite, a few years following a corporate restructuring. While the reporting suite would still focus on KKR’s ongoing efforts to advance its ESG initiatives, and signal to different stakeholder audiences that KKR is listening and working to satisfy their needs, KKR wanted to modify the suite to include more supplementary information online instead of its traditionally longer, comprehensive print report. It needed to be clear that KKR had stepped up its overall reporting efforts through robust and growing disclosures aligned with leading global reporting frameworks, despite the abbreviated print report.
To streamline project management, BrightLeaf organized the project into three key tasks:
Task 1: Ensure KKR’s new reporting approach aligns with strong reporting practices
Task 2: 2020 ESG print report/PDF
Task 3: 2020 ESG Report/kkr.esg microsite update
By answering key questions for each task, BrightLeaf developed a strategy designed to showcase KKR’s strong ESG disclosure ecosystem that included:
Strong linkages between the shortened ESG report and related ESG disclosures
Concise, outcome-oriented writing to build off a theme that begins a compelling print story which is completed online
Comprehensive content on kkresg.com to support the ESG report
Using the microsite’s Resource Center reporting hub to flank the print/PDF report with a robust suite of easily accessible topic-specific materials
Linkage between report PDF and kkresg.com
A distinct hierarchy of information with increased use of visuals for both a quick and slow reading according to user preference
The Result: BrightLeaf was able to develop and then weave strong individual components together to coherently and collectively tell a comprehensive story easily accessible to all key stakeholders. The team strengthened specific content areas to align with global disclosure frameworks including Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) to demonstrate KKR’s strong commitment to ESG, offsetting any concerns about a shorter print report. A robust UX design and Resource Center features make it easy for users to find relevant information among the additional and reorganized website content. BrightLeaf designed the PDF report to work well in print or single scrolling pages when viewed online. The resulting suite of integrated communication materials highlights KKR’s commitment to ESG reporting within globally accepted standards while keeping the familiarity, effectiveness and accessibility of the website and consistent branding among platforms and devices.
Client Information
Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. LP (KKR) is a leading global investment firm based in New York City that manages multiple alternative asset classes, including private equity, credit and real assets, with strategic partners that manage hedge funds. KKR aims to generate attractive investment returns by following a patient and disciplined approach, employing high-quality people, pursuing the highest standards of excellence, and aligning its interests with those of its investment partners.